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From: Ed Beroset
Subj: cryptographic bibliography
I'm sorry it took me a little longer than I had anticipated to put
together this list, but I think you'll find it worth while. This is a
list of books which deal with various aspects of cryptography (including
DES, RSA, and many other schemes and topics.) They're organized roughly
in reverse chronological order, with newer texts toward the top of the
TITLE : Cryptography : a new dimension in computer data security :
a guide for the design and implementation of secure systems /
AUTHOR: Meyer, Carl H.
IMPR : New York : Wiley, 1982.
TITLE : Traffic analysis and the Zendian problem : an exercise in
communications intelligence operations /
AUTHOR: Callimahos, Lambros D.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1989.
TITLE : Military communications : a test for technology /
AUTHOR: Bergen, John D., 1942-.
IMPR : Washington, D.C. : Center of Military History, U.S. Army :
For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1986.
TITLE : Principles of secure communication systems /
AUTHOR: Torrieri, Don J.
IMPR : Dedham, MA : Artech House, c1985.
TITLE : Contemporary cryptology : the science of information integrity /
IMPR : Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Press, c1992.
TITLE : Public-key cryptography : state of the art and future directions :
E.I.S.S. workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany, July 3-6 1991 :
final report /
IMPR : Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1992.
TITLE : Advances in cryptology--EUROCRYPT '91 : Workshop on the Theory and
Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Brighton, UK, April 8-11,
1991 : proceedings /
AUTHOR: EUROCRYPT '91 (1991 : Brighton, England)
IMPR : Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1991.
TITLE : United States cryptographic patents, 1861-1989 /
ED : [2nd ed.]
AUTHOR: Levine, Jack, 1907-.
IMPR : Terre Haute, Ind. : Cryptologia, 1991.
TITLE : Geometries, codes and cryptography /
IMPR : Wien ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1990.
TITLE : Number theory and cryptography /
IMPR : Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1990.
TITLE : Cryptography : an introduction to computer security /
AUTHOR: Seberry, Jennifer, 1944-.
IMPR : New York : Prentice-Hall, c1989.
TITLE : Codes and cryptography /
AUTHOR: Welsh, D. J. A.
IMPR : Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University
Press, 1988.
TITLE : Crypto users' handbook : a guide for implementors of cryptographic
protection in computer systems /
IMPR : Amsterdam [The Netherlands] ; New York : North-Holland ; New York,
N.Y., U.S.A. : Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier
Science Pub. Co., 1988.
TITLE : An introduction to cryptology /
AUTHOR: Tilborg, Henk C. A. van, 1947-.
IMPR : Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1987.
TITLE : Modern cryptology : a tutorial /
AUTHOR: Brassard, Gilles, 1955-.
IMPR : New York : Springer-Verlag, c1988.
TITLE : A course in number theory and cryptography /
AUTHOR: Koblitz, Neal, 1948-.
IMPR : New York : Springer-Verlag, c1987.
TITLE : Cryptology yesterday, today, and tomorrow /
IMPR : Norwood, MA : Artech House, c1987.
TITLE : Mathematical cryptology for computer scientists and mathematicians /
AUTHOR: Patterson, Wayne, 1945-.
IMPR : Totowa, N.J. : Rowman & Littlefield, 1987.
TITLE : Analysis and design of stream ciphers /
AUTHOR: Rueppel, Rainer A., 1955-.
IMPR : Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1986.
TITLE : Primality and cryptography /
AUTHOR: Kranakis, Evangelos.
IMPR : Stuttgart : Teubner ; Chichester [Sussex] ; New York : Wiley, c1986.
TITLE : Two issues in public-key cryptography : RSA bit security and a new
knapsack type system /
AUTHOR: Chor, Ben-Zion.
IMPR : Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1986.
TITLE : Kryptologie /
AUTHOR: Horster, Patrick.
IMPR : Mannheim : Bibliographisches Institut, c1985.
LANG : German
TITLE : Machine cryptography and modern cryptanalysis /
AUTHOR: Deavours, Cipher A.
IMPR : Dedham, MA : Artech House, c1985.
TITLE : Cryptanalysis of shift-register generated stream cipher systems /
AUTHOR: Barker, Wayne G.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1984.
TITLE : Applied cryptology, cryptographic protocols, and computer security
IMPR : Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1983.
TITLE : Secure digital communications /
IMPR : Wien ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1983.
TITLE : Cipher systems : the protection of communications /
AUTHOR: Beker, Henry.
IMPR : New York : Wiley, c1982.
TITLE : Codes, ciphers, and computers : an introduction to information
security /
AUTHOR: Bosworth, Bruce.
IMPR : Rochelle Park, N.J. : Hayden Book Co., c1982.
TITLE : Cryptography and data security /
AUTHOR: Denning, Dorothy Elizabeth Robling, 1945-.
IMPR : Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1982.
TITLE : Secure communications and asymmetric cryptosystems /
IMPR : Boulder, Colo. : Published by Westview Press for the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, 1982.
TITLE : Cryptography, a primer /
AUTHOR: Konheim, Alan G., 1934-.
IMPR : New York : Wiley, c1981.
TITLE : The origin and development of the National Security Agency /
AUTHOR: Brownell, George A.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, 1981.
UNI-TI: Traite de cryptographie. English.
TITLE : Treatise on cryptography /
AUTHOR: Langie, Andre, 1871-.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1981.
TITLE : Cryptanalysis of an enciphered code problem : where an "additive"
method of encipherment has been used /
AUTHOR: Barker, Wayne G.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1979.
UNI-TI: Chifferbyraernas insatser i varldskriget till lands. English.
TITLE : The contribution of the cryptographic bureaus in the World War /
AUTHOR: Gylden, Yves.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1978.
TITLE : The protection of data by crytography /
AUTHOR: Davies, (Donald Watts)
IMPR : Middlesex : National Physical Laboratory, 1978.
TITLE : Cryptanalysis of the Hagelin cryptograph /
AUTHOR: Barker, Wayne G.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1977.
UNI-TI: Manuale di crittografia. Italian.
TITLE : Manual of cryptography /
AUTHOR: Sacco, Luigi.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1977.
TITLE : Pattern-word list /
AUTHOR: Lynch, Frederick D.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1977-.
TITLE : Advanced military cryptography /
AUTHOR: Friedman, William Frederick, 1891-.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.
TITLE : Elementary military cryptography /
AUTHOR: Friedman, William Frederick, 1891-.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.
TITLE : Elements of cryptanalysis /
AUTHOR: Friedman, William Frederick, 1891-.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.
TITLE : Statistical methods in cryptanalysis /
ED : [Rev. ed.]
AUTHOR: Kullback, Solomon.
IMPR : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.
TITLE : Mathematical recreations & essays /
ED : 12th ed.
AUTHOR: Ball, Walter William Rouse, 1850-1925.
IMPR : Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, [1974]
TITLE : Elementary cryptanalysis; a mathematical approach.
AUTHOR: Sinkov, Abraham, 1907-.
IMPR : [New York] Random House [c1968]
----- end of listing -----
I think that you'll find there's a lot more useful information out
there, just waiting for you at your public library. The U.S. Government
can also be a useful source of information, as are trade and technical
journals and hobbyist magazines.
-> Ed <-